Baff up =====> Dressing up nicely
Shenkiz/cury=======> Chics
Shedas /peper/kishi======> Dogh, mulla, money
Peper rested =======>Having lots of cash
Sort ========> Bribe
Olokpa======> cops/police
Skilashi ======> knows how to play football very well
Jand =========>Overseas
Aproko ========> gossiper
Yan (wetin i dey yan) ==========> Talk/flow/gist (wat am i saying)
Kpakpa =========>Dope, marijuana
Gbedu =========> Music
Lekpa ==========> Thin (usu used for smbody)
Lakpalakpa========>Many Rash On ur head
I no send u! =======> Dont care wat u say or think
Ehen? ======= So?
Bash ======> Party
Odeshi ======> Charm
Jones ======> Slack
Mumu ======> Fool
Just dey lad/show ===> Just coming
Ehen?=======> so?
Job ======> 419
Shak up/shyo =====> drink alcohol
Fash(i/y) ========> Forget
Jack========> Read
blow-blow ======>Balloon
U dey Kolo=======>You are Crazy
Yanga/effizy======> Show off
E dey waka come small small =====> He's walking dwn slowly
Fabu/jege =====>Lie
Hot stepper =====> Know how to dance
All join/everyfin folo =====>All included
Shit 4 church ======> Messing up
Backside/yansh====> Buttucks
Kak =======> Sit
Floss=======> Living large
Yawa don gas o =====> There is trouble
Kawa =======>Run/move
Agbero=======> Tog
Demor =====>Act up
Ojoro=======> Trick
Gbege======> Trouble
I hold my side =====> i got my back
Kpro ====> Relax
Jeje =====> Easy
Lajest=====> Living
I just dey land =====> I'm just coming
D shenkiz dem jst dey matrix=====> The ladies are just tripping